Stylianos Stefanou

Independent Vice Chairman, Independent Member of the Audit Committee


Personal Data:

Nationality:      Hellenic and Cypriot

Year of birth:     1962


Recent Job Positions:

2005 - to date: Entrepreneur - Acquisition of METAXA plant. Exclusive production of the METAXA brands, Skinos Mastiha, Green Cola soft drinks, Three Cents & Mastiqua and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and drinks.

Haagen-Dazs Master Franchisee in Cyprus and Haagen-Dazs Franchisee in Greece.

2016 - to date: Independent BoD Member, Chairman of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of the insurance company “CNP Zois SA”.

2020 - to date: Independent BoD Member, Member of the Audit Committee of the insurance companies “CNP Asfalistiki & CNP Cyprialife”, in Cyprus.

2021 - to date: Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Fourlis Holdings SA, Chairman of the Audit Committee and member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

2023 – to date: Independent Vice-Chairman of FOURLIS HOLDINGS SA.


Previous Professional Experience:


1985 – 1990       KPMG London Office - Senior Audit Supervisor

1990 - 1992

METAXA - Financial Planning & Analysis Manager

1992 - 1997

METAXA - Chief Financial Officer

1997 - 2005

METAXA - Managing Director and Head of UDV European Operations.


Shareholder in JV with BOLS BV

2001 - 2004

Independent BoD Member of Hellenic Bank Unit Trust

2007- 2021

Independent Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Audit Committee  and Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of ELGEKA SA


Member of the Board of Directors, of ERT. Chairman of the Board of Directors for the last ten months of its term of service


1982 - 1985


BSc (Hons) in Economics (Accounting & Finance)

1985 - 1990

KPMG - London Office

1988 - to date

FCA - Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

2020 - to date

Continuous participation in ESG training seminars


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  • Address: 25 Ermou Str.
    Kifissia, GR-14564, Athens
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